Sunday, June 23, 2013

Keep up with workouts on vacation

Traveling across coasts is never easy with two kids (and one on the way), but I know that I will feel better if workouts are still part of my routine. Day one consisted of travel and more travel which means sitting and more sitting. I felt terrible! Day two, I woke up and went for a short jog just to get out of my funk! Went to the pool where I did 3 sets of forward, reverse, and side lunges and single leg dead lifts.  I followed that with 3 sets of 20 push-ups and tricep dips. I jumped in the pool to cool off and felt so much more accomplished! Later that evening, my husband and I went for a 4.5 mile jog.  It's amazing how good exercise makes me feel! 
Day 3, I jogged for 4 miles and followed up with some swimming. Today is day 4 and it's hotter than hot!! Waiting for the sun to go down before I jog but planning a nice and cool pool workout! I encourage you to find time for workouts on vacation for peace of mind. I know it helps me tremendously!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting your fitness on while pregnant...

I'm a personal trainer and now am pregnant with child #3.  I'm no Kara Goucher, but I plan to stay fit by running and lifting weights throughout my pregnancy.  I'm at the 7 week mark, so follow along with  me!  Running the Sauvie's Island half marathon on July 4th.  Excited to run around the island and enjoy some fresh and local strawberry shortcake after the race.
If you want to join me in my challenge to stay fit while pregnant or just follow along, email, tweet @stephanifalcone, or comment.  Thank you for joining me on my journey!