Sunday, August 11, 2013

Biking with kids

I have found it fairly easy to get my workouts in during the week, but weekends are tough!  My husband and kids want all of my time.  I love being with them, but find it harder to get a jog in or head to the gym where I work all during the week.  Solving that problem is actually fairly easy!  I should have thought of this before!  The doctors say not to bike while pregnant, but I am not convinced that it is so dangerous when going on a casual stroll with my kids.  We rode along the Willamette river from the south waterfront area along the trails to downtown Portland.  While I would not recommend downtown Portland, I do highly recommend the trail along the Willamette.  We parked by Fultan pub (a pre-pregnancy stomping ground).  It's just under 3 miles to get to River Place where there is a row of restaurants and shops.  We had sandwiches at a little cafe and sat outside to eat.  Then, we biked into town for an ice cream treat at Ben & Jerry's.  The seating at Ben & Jerry's was terrible and the constant flow of bums slowly walking by with cigarettes in hand were definitely a nuisance!  I would skip the downtown portion of the trip and stick with the nice path along the Willamette.  All in all, we had a great time and I am looking forward to more casual bike rides for a little exercise with my family.

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