Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's really happening, better take the right vitamins!!

10 week appointment with the doctor and I got to see my little munchkin wiggling all around.  What an amazing sight to see!  At first, it didn't seem quite real until I saw this image.  I talked to my doctor about the vitamins I was and wasn't taking.  I asked if I really need to take a prenatal or if I can just continue to take my multi that I already have.  Of course, she suggested that a plain multi may have too much vitamin A and not enough folic acid.  I went to my local Whole Foods and found these fabulous little pills.  One is a prenatal where the serving is 3 per day.  Not too bad, but definitely a lot for me.  I also found a vegetarian DHA to get the Omega 3's that I need.  I worried about the fishy after taste in the standard DHA pills that are made from mackerel or sardines.  I took both today in between lunch and dinner with no side effects of a sick stomach.  Wonderful!  

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