Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's really happening, better take the right vitamins!!

10 week appointment with the doctor and I got to see my little munchkin wiggling all around.  What an amazing sight to see!  At first, it didn't seem quite real until I saw this image.  I talked to my doctor about the vitamins I was and wasn't taking.  I asked if I really need to take a prenatal or if I can just continue to take my multi that I already have.  Of course, she suggested that a plain multi may have too much vitamin A and not enough folic acid.  I went to my local Whole Foods and found these fabulous little pills.  One is a prenatal where the serving is 3 per day.  Not too bad, but definitely a lot for me.  I also found a vegetarian DHA to get the Omega 3's that I need.  I worried about the fishy after taste in the standard DHA pills that are made from mackerel or sardines.  I took both today in between lunch and dinner with no side effects of a sick stomach.  Wonderful!  

Friday, July 5, 2013

Sauvie's Island Half Marathon

4th of July celebration kicked off great with a half marathon on Sauvie's Island followed by delicious strawberry shortcake!  Being pregnant, I had an out.  I could have done a run/walk.  I could have run much slower, but pushing myself has always been a part of me.  I am a competitive person.  My dad and his girlfriend joined me in the fun.  I ran with my dad for the first 7 miles at an 8:04 pace, but had to drop back a little after that.  I watch my heart rate to make sure I am not too short of breath, making sure I can keep an even breath pace.  
One thing that can help any runner is focusing on evening out their breath.  Yogis talk about the breath as if that is the most important part of the practice.  I think they are on to something.  When the nerves are high and the race officially starts, the breath goes in and out at a rapid pace from all of the excitement in the air.  My head is swirling with thoughts.  How will my pace be?  Will I be able to finish without stopping to walk?  All of a sudden, I see the first mile marker sign and think, that wasn't too bad!  12 more of those and I am at the finish line.  We round the bend and run along the Willamette river inlet.  It's so peaceful out on the river.  Memories of water skiing with my dad come flashing into my head.  I get a little smile on my face as my dad is running next to me, talking about this story or that.  This is fun!  Relax and enjoy!  We joke about how we want to get our money's worth on this race and not run too fast.  He says the same about golf.  More strokes you have, more you are getting your money's worth.  I like it.  That's when I realize, this is about enjoying my time out here on the island.  I pass by a herd of cattle, some horses, and tons of farms.  It's pure and I am enjoying every second of it now.  It's why I sign up for these races.  Being pregnant doesn't have to keep me or anyone else from doing a race.  It may have slowed me down from my normal pace a bit, but I still enjoyed my time out there.  
After we completed the race, we didn't hesitate to head right over to the strawberry shortcake tent where we wolfed it all down!  The island is known for the farms and the fresh Oregon berries.  We followed it all up with a swim in my dad's pool.  Loosened our legs to the point where my legs feel fabulous today!  I couldn't have asked for a better way to start my 4th of July celebration.  I love to exercise and feel alive with energy.... and to have a little strawberry shortcake now and then!  

Short getaways change up the workout routine in a great way

My husband and I were able to have a night out without our kids in downtown Portland.  I worried a little that we would get bored with our usual pint or two of beer fun.  We had a blast!  Started at The Nines where we enjoyed the rooftop bar called Departure.  The server spoke highly of the tapas they offered.  We ordered and shared kale and radish salad with ginger slices, brussel sprouts, avocado salad, shrimp and scallops.  Each tapa came out with a beautiful presentation.  The kale salad trumped any salad I have ever made.  I topped it all off with a virgin mojito garnished with fresh mint.  Delicious!  The next morning, we woke up to the shining sun and jogged around the river, across the magnificent and unique Portland bridges.  We wrapped it up by doing some light weight lifting in the gym at The Nines where we stayed overnight.  In typical Nines fashion, the water in their gym was infused with strawberries and apples.  The BEST water I have ever tasted!  I highly recommend this hotel and everything they have to offer.  Overall a very delightful evening and morning.  Typically, on vacation, the workout may have been missed, but not this time!  I felt so much better having done the workout versus not doing the workout.  We felt great and ready to take on the day!
