Friday, July 5, 2013

Short getaways change up the workout routine in a great way

My husband and I were able to have a night out without our kids in downtown Portland.  I worried a little that we would get bored with our usual pint or two of beer fun.  We had a blast!  Started at The Nines where we enjoyed the rooftop bar called Departure.  The server spoke highly of the tapas they offered.  We ordered and shared kale and radish salad with ginger slices, brussel sprouts, avocado salad, shrimp and scallops.  Each tapa came out with a beautiful presentation.  The kale salad trumped any salad I have ever made.  I topped it all off with a virgin mojito garnished with fresh mint.  Delicious!  The next morning, we woke up to the shining sun and jogged around the river, across the magnificent and unique Portland bridges.  We wrapped it up by doing some light weight lifting in the gym at The Nines where we stayed overnight.  In typical Nines fashion, the water in their gym was infused with strawberries and apples.  The BEST water I have ever tasted!  I highly recommend this hotel and everything they have to offer.  Overall a very delightful evening and morning.  Typically, on vacation, the workout may have been missed, but not this time!  I felt so much better having done the workout versus not doing the workout.  We felt great and ready to take on the day!


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